Instead, Turner was induced to sign the pledge and then later became a well-known temperance advocate and speaker, who probably made many impassioned speeches. The idea that Turner made an impassioned speech on total abstinence after wandering into a meeting one day seems to be an invention. In history, women becoming teetotallers was often an expression of religious values, or was based on general social reform principles. In the modern world, some women become teetotallers for such reasons, and others because of a past history of alcoholism or alcohol abuse.
- Moreover, my own alcohol-free lifestyle never stands out as my defining memory of these events.
- In reality, it makes drinkers self-satisfied and easily entertained by boring things.
- Therefore the temperance movement began to call for total abstinence from all alcohol-containing beverages.
Teetotal Lifestyle
From there, the term came to be used more generally, for anyone who voluntarily committed to abstinence, or simply for a nondrinker. Below is a list of mood-enhancing substances that are safer than alcohol. I don’t recommend that you use all of them recreationally, but they are worth knowing about in case they can enhance your quality of life. I have mixed views on prescription drugs, which I think are overused but useful in specific circumstances. Opinions changed, and one reason for this was that it became known that non-spirituous liquors did indeed contain alcohol, only at a lesser volume.
Whether it was an old term by the time Turner used it, we can say that it is almost beyond doubt that he did NOT invent it. Here, we can use evidence from the printed word after around 1830 to 1835. Turner spoke of “signing the pledge.” Stories are also told that Temperance Societies would have people sign moderation pledges or total pledges. Those taking the total pledge would place a “T” after their name so that they became known as T-totalers, and later, teetotalers.
I make no claims to knowing the exact origin of the word, and one or more of these stories may have some truth in them. I’m going to use some personal anecdotes to help me explain my strategies for going alcohol-free at dinners, parties, and weddings. Most of those religions that prohibit alcohol do so on the grounds that it is harmful, that it inhibits mindfulness, or can easily lead to unethical behavior. The term was in use as early as 1836 when an explanation of it as meaning “total abstainer” appeared in print.
Teetotaler: Why are People Who Don’t Drink Called This?
Another quite silly, origin claim is that the “tee” started Drinking too much alcohol can harm your health Learn the facts as “tea” and referred to drinking tea (or other beverages) instead of alcohol. More likely, teetotal was simply a misspelling of teetotal, which caused people to believe that it had something to do with tea. So, a teetotaler wasn’t someone who “doesn’t drink” as much as it is someone who “doesn’t drink distilled spirits, or wine, or beer, or anything else.” You could still “practice temperance without being a teetotaler. Members of temperance organizations sang songs, organized marches to shut down saloons or pass prohibition laws, circulated pamphlets about the cause, and gave speeches on the moral problems caused by drinking. Teetotalism was embraced by some religious groups and moral reformers as the answer to the problems of poverty, unemployment or work absenteeism, declining church attendance, crime, and domestic violence.
Alternatives To Alcohol
In Dublin, the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association of the Sacred Heart (Pioneers) was founded in 1898 by another priest, James Cullen. Mr Sunak, who is teetotal, has previously expressed a passion for the fizzy drink. Several ministers have indeed distanced themselves from the call for a teetotal month, saying they preferred to encourage moderation rather than an outright booze-fast. “For me it was important that once I retired from international netball I didn’t just go teetotal and stop completely. I really wanted that transition out,” Mentor told BBC Sport. I only drank maybe 2 ,3 days a month.On those occasions I did tend to binge drink and suffer from depression for days on end afterwards. The information we provide while responding to comments is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice.
“Why is not drinking called T Total?”
My past belief that it was impossible to enjoy dates and dinners without alcohol was a myth, and I was the only one who could refute it for myself. Instead, the word “teetotal” or “tee-total” appears in a great many publications from 1830 onward. Indeed, as early as 1830, and probably before, temperance societies were known as “teetotal societies.” What’s more, the word appears in American printed publications almost as often as British publications and also appears in Irish ones.