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New Benchmarks Show Postgres Dominating MongoDB in Varied Workloads EDB

Replication is a database feature that ensures failure tolerance and high availability. In contrast to PostgreSQL, not every NoSQL database is ACID compliant but MongoDB is. Furthermore, PostgreSQL is considered to be highly secure as the community took extra steps to focus on security by actively releasing updates.

  • It enables database administrators to provide high data redundancy and high availability of data.
  • MongoDB has the potential for ACID compliance, while Postgres has ACID compliance built-in.
  • With its distributed architecture, you can easily add more nodes to your cluster as your data grows without sacrificing performance.
  • For each experiment we gather metrics concerning average response time and volume of data returned.
  • The signals may be received and decoded by anyone with a VHF antenna, including nearby vessels.
  • It is document-oriented, and uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas.

MongoDB uses automatic indexing, which automatically creates indexes for frequently used queries. PostgreSQL requires you to create indexes on columns that are frequently queried manually. FerretDB is an open-source document database with MongoDB compatibility built-in while enabling PostgreSQL and other database backends to run MongoDB workloads. This allows you to use the existing MongoDB syntax and commands with your database stored in PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL Use Cases

This increases the query types and analytics you can undertake on a database. Data can be stored in fields, arrays, or nested sub documents in JSON documents. As a result, related information may be stored together in a more organized way, ideal for quick query access via MongoDB’s expressive query language. Our future plan is to expand the comparison with more systems that support spatiotemporal functionality. Scalable and high performance systems which can efficiently perform large scale spatial queries such as Apache GeoSpark and Hadoop-GIS, constitute our main priority. Also, our future plans include the extension of our system architecture to what it is called ”Shared Cluster”.

mongodb vs postgresql performance

MongoDB has seen massive adoption and is the most popular modern database, and based on a Stackoverflow developer survey, the database developers most want to use. Thanks to the efforts of MongoDB engineering and the community, we have built out a complete platform to serve the needs of developers. Now in the document database world of MongoDB, the structure of the data doesn’t have to be planned up front in the database and it is much easier to change. Developers can decide what’s needed in the application and change it in the database accordingly. MongoDB allows you to store data in almost any structure, and each field – even those deeply nested in subdocuments and arrays – can be indexed and efficiently searched. On the other hand, MongoDB uses a replica set architecture, where each replica set consists of a primary node and one or more secondary nodes.

Postgres or MongoDB

As PostgreSQL depends on a scale-up strategy for scaling writes or data volumes, it has to take full advantage of the computing resources made available to it. PostgreSQL achieves this via multiple indexing and concurrency strategies. But MongoDB might be a poor fit if you have a large number of incumbent apps based on regional data models and teams that have experience with SQL only.

MongoDB supports distributed transactions, which means multi-document transactions and sharded clusters can be easily performed on replica sets. From the programmer perspective, transactions in MongoDB feel just like transactions developers are already familiar with in PostgreSQL. PostgresSQL is one of the most popular RDBMS(relational database management system) and is entirely open-source.

PostgreSQL Vs MongoDB Pricing Model

Replication is the process of creating a copy of the same dataset on more than one server. It enables database administrators to provide high data redundancy and high availability of data. On the other hand, PostgreSQL supports declarative partitioning, which is essentially a way to specify how to divide a table into partitions.

mongodb vs postgresql performance

For example, MongoDB supports a variety of query languages, including MongoDB Query Language (MQL), which is similar to SQL, and Aggregation Pipeline, which provides a flexible way to manipulate and transform data. MongoDB is a non-relational database that stores data in dynamic JSON-like documents, while PostgreSQL is an object-relational database that stores data in pre-defined tables with rows and columns. MongoDB does not require a pre-defined schema before inserting data, whereas PostgreSQL does. MongoDB is a document-oriented, NoSQL database that stores data in collections of JSON documents.

PostgreSQL vs. MongoDB Consistency and Availability

The primary node receives write operations and replicates the changes to the secondary nodes. If a primary node fails, one of the secondary nodes will be elected as the new primary. ACID compliance is most important in situations where transactions must be guaranteed to be executed in a consistent, isolated, and durable manner, such as in financial transactions. However, in MongoDB’s data model, transactions are typically less complex, and the need for strong ACID compliance may be less important. Constraints are rules used to limit the values that can be inserted into a column or set of columns in a table.

mongodb vs postgresql performance

If you need a powerful and reliable relational database with advanced data management features, then PostgreSQL may be the better choice. However, if you need a flexible and easy-to-use NoSQL database with a large ecosystem, then MongoDB may be the better choice. Scalability refers to a database’s ability to handle increasing data and users without sacrificing performance.

Similar to MongoDB vs. Postgres Benchmarks (

These languages allow you to write stored procedures and trigger in your language of choice. MQL is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, with support for complex queries and aggregation operations that allow you to perform advanced data analysis and manipulation. MQL syntax is like JSON format, which provides a range of operators and expressions that allows users to sort and transform filter data in MongoDB.

mongodb vs postgresql performance

Instead of storing data like documents, the database stores it as structured objects. The query returns coordinates of vessels in proximity up to different spatial distances (2, 5, 10 miles) and transmitted within a 5 minutes time period from different waypoints of a mongodb vs postgresql performance specific vessel’s trajectory. For each spatial distance three experiments are executed with different amount of timestamps and waypoints of a specific vessel’s trajectory. Again the superiority of PostgreSQL is obvious as the sample grows and reduced almost at half.

PostgreSQL vs MongoDB: Which Database Should You Choose?

Fields can differ based on the document it is catering to, therefore, there’s no need to declare the structure of documents to the system — documents are self-describing. In the next section, we’ll elucidate the differences between MongoDB and PostgreSQL to help you make that decision easily. Our information is based on key factors like architecture, ACID compliance, extensibility, replication, security, and support to name a few. It adopts relational model, provides comprehensive SQL capability, carries an extensible architecture, and is driven by an enthusiastic community.

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